Thursday, January 28, 2010

Housework: Making the Bed Part II

Next we will deal with how often you change the sheets on the bed.

(You may want to see what someone else says: "The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide" at

We have always changed them at least once a week, and if there were any problems (bed-wetting of any sort, bloody noses, etc.) they got changed immediately.

Assuming you bathe or shower every night before getting into bed, you may be allowed to go longer between changing sheets.

But if you read, are flatulent, count money, eat, or wrestle in bed, think about changing the sheets more often!

It helps if your mattress and pillows are covered with hypo-allergenic, allergen barrier protectors. Invest in these, and you will only need to change the sheets and pillowcases, and not the mattress pad and pillows! There are those who save time by sleeping on top of their bedding so they do not have to make the bed. But the purpose of sheets is to protect your mattress, pillows, and bedspread from your body and its oils, flaking skin, dandruff, drool, snot, bacteria, viruses, dirt, scabs, cosmetics, ear wax, loose hairs, semen, yeast, toe jam, blood, sweat and tears. When you sleep, you should only be touching your sheets and pillowcases. The blanket should have a sheet between it and you. Pulling the blanket up to keep warm? Make sure you fold the sheet over the edge of the blanket to pull it up! Otherwise you will have to wash the blanket weekly!

In summary, the cleaner you are when you go to bed, the longer you can wait to change the sheets. And if the only things you touch when sleeping are the sheets and pillowcases, then those are the only things you need to wash frequently.

Of course, there is spring and fall cleaning which requires you to thoroughly wash everything!

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