I want to make some requests beyond that of my Living Will. There is no need to prolong my life at the risk of my becoming a burden to you, the family. I will die happy, having lived a full life, much of it thanks to you, my family.
Remember that if I die at home, the first thing you must do is call the police/coroner. Yes, we live in a sort of a "police state," and if you don't get that official piece of paper, the death certificate, things can get very difficult. If I die in a hospital, the doctor can take care of that. If I am in the hospital, you can have my organs harvested.
Upon my death, please have my remains immediately cremated. You will need to contact a funeral director to do that. Do not bother with any special container, a brown paper bag will do. It doesn’t matter where you spread my ashes, as long as they go back into the earth. Just dig a hole and bury them! Do not place a plaque at any site.
Inform my mother, and ask if she wants to inform the rest of my family. Inform your own family as you wish. Inform Marylee Lewis, and she will spread the word! Inform Karen Carr Hopkins and she can spread the word. Make a note on my Facebook page.
I do not wish to have any memorial service, but here it is more important that the survivors have what they/you need and would prefer. Instead, if an obituary is printed in the newspaper, it will also be online and have a place for comments. (
You already know NOT to have the hymn “Amazing Grace” played at my service. Here are some suggestions.
Entrance Song: “Here I Am Lord”
1st Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
2nd Reading: Second Letter of Saint Paul to Timothy 4:6-8
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
Liturgy of the Word Responsorial: “Create in Me a Clean Heart”
Eucharist Song: “Let There Be Peace on Earth” (my favorite hymn)
and “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”
Closing Song: “On Eagle’s Wings”
In lieu of flowers: spend time with family, enjoy nature, donate to your own preferred charity or cause.
I have collected a lot of "collectibles," but nothing of any great value. If you will not derive any enjoyment from them, give them away. Someone else can enjoy them.
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