This is another one of those viral e-mails. As I have said before, I would avoid having any dryer sheets in my home, but you might learn something useful here. When you check, most of this is baloney...
1. It will chase ants away when you lay a sheet near them.
Baloney. If you have ants and have cleaned the area of the food that is attracting them, and caulked up all the holes where they enter, then you could try a spicy blend to keep them away (cinnamon, basil, pepper, spearmint). But who wants spices on the floors? Clean with vinegar, and the vinegar itself is a repellent!
2. It takes the odor out of books and photo albums that don’t get opened too often.
Well... It replaces the smell with its own, and who wants that petroleum sheen on everything? Here I would use baking soda. Sprinkle it between pages and leave open to air out. Then brush out the baking soda.
3. Repels mosquitoes. Tie a sheet through a belt loop when you are outdoors.
Baloney. May even attract them. Again, you can make your own with herbs and essentials oils, but where do you find all that stuff? The best bet, although expensive, is lemon eucalyptus oil.
4. Eliminates static electricity from TV screen, wipe screen with a used sheet to keep dust from resettling.
Well, duh, it's used for static cling. But it will make the TV screen streaky. Try wiping with... vinegar!
5. Dissolve soap scum from shower doors by cleaning with a sheet.
Okay, may do the trick, but with elbow grease. Can use WD-40, but that's another petroleum product. Prevent soap scum from developing with regular vinegar clean-ups!
6. Freshen air in your home. Place a sheet in a drawer or hang in the closet.
Well... It replaces the smell with its own, and who wants that petroleum sheen on everything? Here I would use baking soda or cedar blocks.
7. Prevent thread from tangling. Run a threaded needle through a sheet before sewing.
Well... you can also run the thread across a wax candle, but do you really have that much of a problem with tangling?
8. Prevent musty suitcases. Place a sheet inside empty luggage before storing.
Well... It replaces the smell with its own, and who wants that petroleum sheen on everything? Here I would use baking soda.
9. Freshen air in your car. Place a sheet under front seat.
Well... It replaces the smell with its own, and who wants that petroleum sheen on everything? Here I would use baking soda.
10. Clean baked goods from pan. Put sheet in pan, fill with water, let sit overnight, and sponge clean. Antistatic agent weakens bond.
Baloney. If you have a problem with things sticking to your baking pans, then invest in parchment to line baking sheets.
11. Eliminate odors in waste baskets, Place a sheet in bottom of basket.
Well... It replaces the smell with its own, and who wants that petroleum sheen on everything? Here I would use baking soda.
12. Collect cat hair.
Baloney. I would take a piece of packing tape, and put it sticky-side out around my hand. Then pat at the hair, while turning the tape to a clean area to capture more hair. Replace tape as needed.
13. Eliminate static electricity from venetian blinds. Wipe blinds with a sheet to prevent dust from resettling.
Well, duh, it's used for static cling. Try wiping with vinegar.
14. Wipe up sawdust from drilling or sandpapering. A used sheet is like tack cloth.
Baloney. Use packing tape, or better yet, vacuum!
15. Eliminate odors in dirty laundry. Place a sheet in bottom of laundry bag or hamper.
Well... It replaces the smell with its own, and who wants that petroleum sheen on everything? Here I would use baking soda, or do the laundry!
16. Deodorize shoes or sneakers. Place a sheet in your shoes overnight.
It replaces the smell with its own, and who wants that petroleum sheen on everything? Here I would use baking soda.
17. Golfers keep a sheet in their back pockets to keep the bees away.
Baloney. Leave the bees alone.
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